LakeHouse Fond du Lac Blogs

How to Ensure Safe Medication Practices in Assisted Living Communities

Written by Discovery Senior Living | Feb 14, 2025 5:00:00 AM

For many seniors, prescriptions medications are an important part of disease prevention and symptom management. What role do we play in medication safety for seniors?

One of the many assisted living services our seniors can take advantage of is medication management. This involves a combination of personalization and supervision to ensure that medications are taken on time and as prescribed.

Today, we're going to take a closer look at what medication management entails. We'll also share additional tips and safe medication practices that seniors and their families should know. Read on to get started.

Medication Management Basics

How do we approach medication management at LakeHouse Fond Du Lac? Here are the four pillars of our approach to senior medication assistance.

Assisted Living Care and Staff Training

The staff members at our assisted living community are not medical care professionals. However, they do receive thorough training to assist with health-related tasks such as:

  • Bathing and grooming
  • Toileting
  • Ambulation
  • Medication administration

Before working with residents, staff members learn the importance of medication safety. We emphasize proper medication administration techniques and how to follow prescription instructions. They also learn to recognize the signs of adverse drug reactions and side effects.

Creating a Medication List

In order to provide personalized care, our staff members work with each resident to create a medication list. This list will include information like:

  • The name of each drug taken
  • The diseases or symptoms each drug treats
  • Potential side effects
  • Prescribed dosages
  • Administration instructions (e.g., what time of day to take each medication)
  • When each medication was prescribed

Creating a comprehensive list ensures that all staff members are able to provide medication management care as needed. In other words, something as simple as a shift change won't disrupt a resident's daily care.

Overseeing Safe Medication Practices

On a daily basis, medication management involves overseeing each resident's medication schedule. For seniors who only need moderate support, this may involve providing daily reminders that it's time to take a specific prescription.

Other seniors may require a more hands-on approach to medication management. In this case, staff members may personally assist seniors with preparing and administering their medications.

Increasing Continuity of Care

The amenities and services we offer at Lake House Fond Du Lac are designed to increase continuity of care. This refers to the connection between a senior's care team that ensures that all care providers are aware of:

  • Current diagnoses
  • Changes in ongoing treatments (including prescriptions)
  • New or unusual symptoms
  • Upcoming appointments or procedures
  • Medical test results

By providing daily assistance, staff members play direct and indirect roles in a senior's medical care. Medication management is one of the most hands-on examples of direct medical care. Our staff are also well-positioned to notice and report any changes in a senior's well-being, leading to appropriate interventions.

Medication Safety for Seniors

Seniors and their families can also play a role in increasing medication safety and best practices. Here are our top tips for prioritizing health and safety when taking both prescription and over-the-counter drugs.

Review Current Medications With Your Doctor

When was the last time you spoke with your doctor about all your current medications? According to a report from Hopkins Medicine, polypharmacy (taking multiple prescriptions at once) is common in seniors over 60. Medication interactions can also lead to undesired effects, such as confusion and anxiety.

If it's been a few years or you're seeing a new physician, bring the list you've compiled with your assisted living care team to your next appointment. It's possible that you're taking more medications than necessary or that an adjustment could result in better treatment.

Ask About Supplements and OTC Drugs

Many patients assume that if something is sold over the counter, it's routinely safe to take. This may include products like:

  • Anti-inflammatories (e.g., ibuprofen or acetaminophen)
  • Dietary supplements and vitamins
  • Sleeping aids
  • Antihistamines
  • Cold medicines

Before you add any OTC products to your regimen, consult your doctor or pharmacist. According to the FDA, mixing medications with certain OTC products like supplements can result in adverse reactions.

Practice Safe Medication Storage

Some pharmacies will fill prescriptions in bulk, giving patients three-month or even six-month supplies at a time. To ensure long-term efficacy, make sure to keep your medication away from direct sunlight and extreme temperatures. If possible, keep bulk medications in their original air-tight bottles to avoid oxidation or mixing up prescriptions.

Some medications will require very specific storage. For example, you may need to keep certain types of insulin refrigerated. Talk to your doctor or pharmacist about how to store medications and include this information when creating a plan with your assisted living care team.

Use a Reliable Pharmacy

AARP recently reported on the cost burden of prescriptions seniors are facing across the country. While nine out of ten seniors are prescribed medication, one in five skip prescriptions due to the cost.

There are a few ways to make prescriptions more affordable, such as:

  • Purchasing a Medicare Part D policy
  • Using discount and coupon services such as GoodRx
  • Asking your doctor about generic options, which may cost less than name-brand drugs

No matter how you fill your prescriptions, make sure you're using a reliable pharmacy. We're seeing an increase in fake online pharmacies claiming to sell prescription drugs at a discounted price. If you do use an online pharmacy, ask your care team to verify its legitimacy.

LakeHouse Fond Du Lac: Improving Elderly Health Management

The vast majority of seniors are taking at least one prescription to manage or prevent health conditions. We understand how difficult it can be to stay on top of a complex prescription schedule. That's why medication management is one of our top priorities here at LakeHouse Fond Du Lac.

Our goal was to create an assisted living community that afforded as much independence as possible by providing care as needed. As a result, we developed a holistic approach to senior care that includes everything from daily meals and activities to respect-informed assistance. Contact us today to schedule a tour and see our community first-hand.